The science festival named “Science and Technology Meeting in Mamak”, which took place between 30.09.2022 and 02.10.2022, was attended by Mamak Mayor Murat Köse, Ankara Provincial Director of National Education Harun Fatsa and Mamak District National Education Director Mustafa Özel. In cooperation with the District Directorate of National Education and Mamak Municipality; It was organized under the coordination of Ankara University Child Science Center Coordinatorship, Gazi University Faculty of Education and Hacettepe University Rectorate. The event was organized by 16 different universities (Ankara University, Gazi University, Hacettepe University, METU, Başkent University, Bilkent University, Ufuk University, TED, Ostim Technical University, Lokman Hekim University, Çankırı Karatekin University, Kırıkkale University). ., Konya Selçuk University, Yozgat Bozok University, Konya Necmettin Erbakan University, Üsküdar University).
Geography, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Mathematics, Nutrition, Art and Design, Pre-School, Insect Science within the "Science and Technology Meeting" event, which hosted many participants at different levels as pre-school, primary school, secondary school, high school, adult and teacher. , Chemistry, Biology, Philosophy, Environment, etc., activities were organized in 32 workshops, and Gazi Education Faculty, Turkish and Social Sciences Education Department, Philosophy Group Education Department participated in the event with the "Technology and Ethics" workshop.
In the "Technology and Ethics" workshop, under the projec tleadership of Prof. Mehmet Ali DOMBAYCI and under the guidance of Çetin CANBAZ, a graduate student in Philosophy Group Education, university students (associate, undergraduate, graduate, doctorate); Activities were carried out on the awareness of ethical problems created by technological developments that emerged with the participation of high school and equivalent school students.
With the development of scientific methodology, humanity has reached an unprecedented rate of technological progress in the last few centuries. When the balance between the speed of emergence of new technologies and the period of maturation and ethical awareness of people who will use these technologies is disturbed, the most painful dramas in human history have emerged. The lessons learned from history reveal the necessity of scientific research and technological developments in a way that takes into account the value of human beings. To this end, three activities throughout the workshop on the new ethical problems posed by both enacted and experimental applications of artificial intelligence in art, autonomous cars, and the justice system; Three activities on ethical problems caused by developments in transportation vehicles, infectious diseases and nature-technology conflict; and lastly, three events on the new rules and criteria brought by technology to human life, a total of nine events were organized. In these activities, the participants, who are expected to be future scientists, were shown the necessity of being more aware of themselves and their judgments in the ethical problems they may encounter. Participants were asked whether there was a change between their thoughts before participating in this activity and their thoughts after participating in this activity, and if it was accepted that there was a change, what kind of change occurred. Feedback was given to these questions in the direction that their perspectives on philosophy problems that they missed in the flow of daily life but became aware of thanks to the activities changed and their interest increased.
Our esteemed faculty member, who represents the Philosophy Group Education Department with their work, We thank Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali DOMBAYCI and our graduate student Çetin CANBAZ.
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