Lecturers Who Contributed

Many important academicians have taken part in the staff of our Department from the time it was founded to the Philosophy Group Education until today.

Our esteemed professors

Prof. Dr. Süleyman Hayri BOLAY, Prof. Dr. Tülay UĞUZMAN ER, Prof. Dr. Zekiye KUTLUSOY, Prof. Dr. İbrahim ARSLANOĞLU, Prof. Dr. Hasan Haluk ERDEM, Prof. Dr. İhsan SEZAL, Prof. Dr. Fulya BAYRAKTAR, Prof. Dr. İbrahim KISAÇ, Lect. See. Dr. Canan GÜRSEL, Dr. Instructor Member Fatma Hürrem SUNNEY and Res. See. Dr. Ömer KIZILTAN.

In addition, there are professors who are not in the staff but contribute by giving lectures in the Department.

These valuable names are

Prof. Dr. Kenan GURSOY, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali KILIÇBAY, Prof. Dr. Mehmet BAYRAKTAR, Prof. Dr. Coşkun Değirmencıoğlu, Res. See. Mehmet Mutlu TUNCALP, Prof. Dr. Ziya Kenan BILICI, Prof. Dr. Ahmet İNAM, Prof. Dr. Hakan POYRAZ, Prof. Dr. Yasin CEYLAN, Prof. Dr. Aydın ANKAY, Assist. Assoc. Dr. Gursen TOPSES, Prof. Dr. Kazim SARIKAVAK and Prof. Dr. Levent BAYRAKTAR.

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