About Common and Elective Courses Make-Up Exam Dates for Students Who Have Completed the Maximum Study Period.
7 July 2022 | 13:18

Make-up exams within the scope of common and elective courses for our students who have completed the maximum education period and who have reduced the number of failed courses to 5 and below as a result of the 2021-2022 Fall Semester Supplementary exams and who have been granted the right to take the exam with additional time, and our students who have reduced to a single course and won unlimited exams;

1- In accordance with paragraph (i) of Article 5 of the Higher Education Law No. 2547, the make-up exam for the Atatürk's Principles and History of Revolution course in the curriculum is on Thursday, July 21, 2022 at 11:00,

2- Pursuant to paragraph (i) of Article 5 of the Higher Education Law No. 2547, the make-up exam for the Turkish Language course in the curriculum is on Thursday, July 21, 2022 at 15.00,

3- In accordance with the paragraph (i) of Article 5 of the Higher Education Law No. 2547 and the criteria of the Turkish Higher Education Qualifications Framework, the make-up exams for foreign language courses in the curriculum of Turkish programs are on Friday, July 22, 2022; Between 10.00-11.00 for 1st graders, between 11.30-12.30 for 2nd graders, between 14.00-15.00 for 3rd graders, between 15.10-16.10 for 4th graders,

In addition, if there are students who will take the exam for more than one course at the same time intervals, the additional exam will be taken between 16: 20 - 17:20,

4- Make-up exams of non-field elective courses; It will be held on Wednesday, July 20, between 15.30-17.20.

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