Teaching Practice

Gazi University

Gazi Faculty of Education

Philosophy Group Education Department Teaching Practice Course Process

Teaching practice course is carried out in cooperation with Gazi Education Faculty and MEB Provincial Directorate of National Education. Teaching practice 1 and 2 courses aim to enable practice students to experience their knowledge, skills and attitudes about the teaching profession in educational institutions affiliated to the Ministry of National Education (MEB). The theoretical part of these courses, which consists of 6 hours of practice and 2 hours of theory, a total of 8 hours and has 5 credits and 10 ECTS, is carried out in the faculty with the instructors, and the practical part is carried out in schools affiliated to the Ministry of National Education in accordance with the directive. You can access the MEB guidelines from the links below.

Teaching Practice Directive: Öğretmenlik Uygulaması Yönergesi-1
Teaching practice situation assessment report: Durum Değerlendirme Raporu-1
Teaching Practice Observation Form: Öğretmenlik Uygulaması Gözlem Formu-1
Teaching practice practice student proficiency indicators: Yeterlik Göstergeleri-1
Teaching practice application student evaluation form: Değerlendirme Formu Ek-1-1
Teaching practice general evaluation form: Genel Değerlendirme Formu-1
How to evaluate faculty members?: Değerlendirme Nasıl Yapılır?-1

For the "Teaching Practice" course, which is included in the 2022-2023 Academic Year I. (Fall) Semester undergraduate curriculum of our faculty, the school is contacted by taking into account the schools where teachers with counseling education certificates are available in schools affiliated to the Ministry of National Education (via our coordinator, Res. Asst. Aylin UZUN). Care is taken to ensure that the schools we choose for the Philosophy and Related Sciences Department teaching practice course have teachers who are experts and certified in more than one philosophy field. Especially when choosing school types, schools that undergraduate students can easily go to in terms of transportation are selected. In addition, the equipment of the teachers in the schools and the school facilities, physical competencies, and the creation of an environment that will contribute to the students are other issues that our coordinator pays attention to.

Due to the fact that the courses are seasonal in our faculty, correspondence is made for one semester for the teaching practice course in the education and training process. However, our teaching practice coordinator Res. Asst. Aylin UZUN provides correspondence and meetings with school coordinators so that students can work with the same school for Teaching Practice 1 and Teaching Practice 2 course for one year. Because, semester applications may not be long enough for undergraduate students to interact with students in schools. In this process, in order to eliminate the deficiencies in the observations made by the students in the lesson and the lectures, the communication between the practitioner and the participant of the lesson should be strong. Since the number of students in the Philosophy and Related Sciences Department is not high, we cannot work with different types of schools in one semester. However, in order to support undergraduate students to gain different experiences, it is ensured that they see the practices in other schools, and different types of schools are worked on alternately.

In the last five years, Professor of Philosophy and Related Sciences regarding the Philosophy and Related Sciences Teaching Practice and School Experience course. Prof. Dr. Shakir Berber, Prof. Dr. Ayten KOÇ AYDIN, Assoc. Dr. Ekrem Ziya Duman, Lect. See. Dr. Canan Gürsel has undertaken the task of teaching staff. Which course will be given by which lecturer is decided by the Academic Board, where the course distributions are determined before the relevant academic term. Then, in this process, schools with teachers with certificates are preferred on the basis of voluntariness, according to the guidelines and criteria determined by the practice instructors of the Philosophy and Related Sciences Department. The information of schools and certified teachers is obtained by the Coordinatorship of the Faculty of Education and the Application Coordinators of the Philosophy and Related Sciences Department with the coordination charts sent to the instructors before the semester starts. Application student (teacher candidate) lists and lecturer distributions are created by Philosophy and Related Sicences and processed in the application form. The application process is started by obtaining the permission of the governorship through the Dean's Office. Then, the theoretical course hours of the practical courses are determined by the instructors. The practice instructor visits the practice school in the first week and plans the practice process by meeting with the practice school principal, coordinator, teachers and practice students. 

According to the MEB directive, the distribution is made so that each teaching staff has 12 and each practice teacher has 6 practice students. At the beginning of the semester, students are informed about administrative arrangements, attendance requirements, and how to manage the process in case of excuses. In this process, the students are informed about the MEB practice directive, the instructor's observations, feedback, file submission and MEBBIS evaluation entries. In addition, in this process, regarding the payments for the teaching practice course, the Department Coordinator cooperates with the school and sends a letter containing IBAN information from the school principal, school coordinator and practice teachers to the Faculty coordinator after the education and training process begins. The related department coordinator is responsible for conveying the information only to the faculty coordinator. Information on other transactions is carried out between the accounting unit and the Faculty coordinator.

Monitoring Students' Developments in Practice Schools

Evaluation forms were developed and used in the process in order to carry out teaching practice 1 and 2 courses in the Philosophy and Related Sciences Department in a way that would make maximum contribution to all stakeholders. WhatsApp, e-mail etc. The dynamic course of the course is carried out through different communication channels. However, in the ongoing process, it is aimed to increase the quality of the course by making interviews with the practice teacher, school coordinator and administrators. In addition, due to the small number of students, one-to-one lecture processes are discussed and discussed with the students, and the student is provided with feedback by the responsible lecturer of the course. In the Philosophy and Related Sciences Department, the teaching practice course process is carried out with the cooperation of both the coordinators and teachers of the practice schools and the teaching staff of the Department. In addition to the meetings held at the beginning of the term, in the middle and at the end of the term; Interviews/meetings are held with practice teachers, instructors, students and MEB teaching practice coordinators.

In the middle of the semester; Interim evaluations are made in order to get the ideas and suggestions of the teachers and school coordinators about the operation. School coordinators also expressed their opinions and suggestions regarding the teaching practice process. In the general evaluations made at the end of the term, the practice teacher, the school coordinator and the principal were asked to make an evaluation with the Teaching Practice Course General Evaluation Form and the end-of-term meetings. By examining the general evaluations made, it was used in the structuring of the teaching practice process for the next term.

However, as stated in the MEB teaching practice directive, the instructor observed the practice student at least 2-4 times in a semester and evaluated the performance of the practice student. Within the scope of the 2-hour theoretical part of the teaching practice course, feedback was given to the practice students on plan preparation, implementation and evaluation during the interviews with the practice students and the instructor. In order to make up for the issues that they lacked, the students made the presentations they gave in the lesson by meeting with the Philosophy and Related Sciences Research Assistants and gave lectures in the 544 Research Assistants room of the Bosna Building 5th Floor.

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